Table of Contents
A Journey Through Modern-Day Social Justice Philanthropy
Michael Alberg-Seberich
Philanthropy uses money to achieve greater social justice. Philanthropic organizations around the world can activate “levers” and thus contribute to the search for solutions to complex social problems. Michael Alberg-Seberich describes how many small changes can add up to one major impact.
Ise Bosch: Donor Activist
Ise Bosch
Giving has its own logic, one that has a considerable impact on the life of donors. Economic independence allows private capital to be put to good use, especially when it is paired with respect and long-term thinking. In her work promoting acceptance of sexual and gender diversity, Ise Bosch found not only a world to commit herself to but also a community and deep personal learning.
This Is What Transformative Philanthropy Looks Like
Justus Eisfeld and Claudia Bollwinkel
The people who really feel the difference that giving with trust makes are those whom the money actually serves. With the support of Dreilinden, they have been able to do things that have never been done before. Holistic grant making achieves its positive impact thanks to its respect for the expertise of recipients, and the reliable, steady supply of unrestricted funding. Justus Eisfeld and Claudia Bollwinkel describe holistic approaches to giving that any individual donor or organization can implement within their own specific context.
Privilege, Trust, and the Meaning of Risk in Philanthropy
Inequality hurts everyone. In conversation with Justus Eisfeld, Ise Bosch talks about her own journey through philanthropy, giving advice on how donors can act responsibly and share their power. In this context, “risk” acquires a new meaning – the risk of not making a grant!